Nothing Can Stop Music Now!

Release Time: 2015-06-17 00:17:09

TOP 3 Killer to disable consumer electronics's function

1. Water

2. Dust

3. Drop It Down

They are awful, but TWNT-BT958C can STOP THEM ALL!

To pretect it from water, it is with IPX6.

To pretect it from dust, it's speakersm are covered with non-woven fabric.

To pretect it from shock, it is wrapped firmly by silicon rubber case. The tread pattern on it can effectively reduce the impact from the ground, when it drops.

More over, the 4th killer: "Power runs out!" can be fixed!

It carries 1000mAh battery!

It means you can makes phone call with it, or play music with it for 8-10 hours!

Under any circumstances, music won't stop!

As a Bluetooth speaker, TWNT-BT958C has a dream. Can you help him?